Dawson Lillie


    During National Service in the army, immediately after school, I met Tony Moss in the middle of the Iraqi desert and Brian Greener on a beach in Hong Kong !

    Apart from a year off to complete my degree at Newcastle University I taught for 32 years in the NE including a spell of two and a half years at Blyth Grammar School working with Tony again in the "Applied Science Department". I attempted to retire at Easter in 1993 but unfortunately it was a short lived rest. I was "persuaded" into taking up a short term part time job teaching Mathematics at a Newcastle Independent School. I am about to start year seven of the "short term contract". My wife has recently been appointed Deputy Head in the same school so I should be able to resign finally quite soon and be a fully "kept man".

    I have a daughter and four sons ranging in age from 32 to 20, none of whom are married and three of whom are at university and still use home as a hotel.

Until recently I was a very keen canoeist, an activity Tony and I started together at Loughborough College about 40 years ago and which has been kept going by three fanatical sons who play canoe polo, paddle waterfalls and slalom courses whilst we paddled canals and quiet Leicestershire rivers. My enthusiasm for dipping myself in the North Sea has waned over recent years and the wet suit seems to have shrunk. I still walk the hills regularly, often with Bob ( he of the hard on the head maths book ) Tomlinson's son and I swim regularly.

This event was born in 95 when Tony, Bill and I met up at a reunion for a much younger year group which included Margaret Gordon, who married Jim Pringle from our year (see photo, taken at the reunion.) It was then that we four realised that 1999 was the 50th. anniversary of our first meeting at BGS. July 24th. 1999 is the result. We hope you enjoy it.

Dawson today